Page name: We Love CorryTheUke [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-13 22:50:10
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Such a good person who's been through so much and has always been there for us when we needed him or just a simple chat. He's loved and appreciated and not many ppl these days you find like that who are gonna be true friends.
I havent known him long and he's just the sweetest ever!IF YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH, AND HE'S BEEN SO AWESOME TO YOU, ADD YOUR NAME. This is his wiki, please view it


.5 [Lyeria]- Why has no one told me about this before?
1^.^ [.Kazuki.]!
3 [making love to a corpse.] - Because Number Three was missing and I'm lazy. 'Sides, I love Mommy LOTS! <3
4CRassie a.k.a. [Contry_Gurl_8701]
5[Queen of darkness]
6[Magelord117] SEAN BRO< YOU ROCK!!!!!!!
7[zelvrlilly2525] WE LOVE YOU CORRY!!!!!!!
8 [making love to a corpse.] - MOMMY!! I'll find you and kidnap you and Daddy, so that you can be happy!
9 [Innocent Seduction] because Magical punch and moon cookies are no fun unless you have a kick-butt baby bro to share them with!
10 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF *tHe* SuBcOnSiOuS}] aka. Shari.... Your a really awesome person and I love you to death!!!!!! Im here for u whenever u need me ^_^
11. [Nekko fox] Cuz you gotta have a bisexual fox in all this lot...You just gotta!

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[itweetinHEELS]: you guys are sweet!

[A work in progress]: O_O I feel loved. *Huggles everyone*

[itweetinHEELS]: haha it was a surprise

[A work in progress]: yes, it was a huge susprise.

[A work in progress]: What's even more susprising is how many people signed up, and who all signed up.

[itweetinHEELS]: yep i sent out a load of email to every friend of yours

[A work in progress]: emails or private messages? but wow...I... *starts crying tears of joy* ...I

[itweetinHEELS]: -huggles-

[A work in progress]: *huggles back*

[A work in progress]: Everybody, this Thanksgiving, and Christmas, pray to your religions' respective God(s) and or Godesess for [zelvrlilly2525] and family that they makes may enjoy these difficult times, and that next year, things gett better for them.

[zelvrlilly2525]: thank you

[itweetinHEELS]: i surely will

[A work in progress]: good. im sure we all will.

[Lyeria]: I will too

[Innocent Seduction]: Most definitely, we all need help through tough times some time, and often, just knowing someone is wishing us well helps more than anything. (of course, having someone as sweet as Sean to talk to is really nice too! ^.^)

[{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF *tHe* SuBcOnSiOuS}]: I love you guys.... lol.... even tho i dont know al l of u..... ok the only one i do actually know is CorryTheUke but oh well... i still love you.....

[itweetinHEELS]: hi all, thanks so much for joining, this meeans alot to him

[itweetinHEELS]: It's better to let someone know how much u feel about them and/or care when their alive, not when their dead and can't hear or know for themselves

[{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF *tHe* SuBcOnSiOuS}]: Thank you for sending me that message.... i would have joined alot sooner had i known about it..... ^_^

[A work in progress]: Wow...thanks to all of you! I really apreciate this.


[A work in progress]: Thats what friends are for. To be there for one another. It pains me to see people having to cope with difficult times by themselves, cause its something I understand. I am sure that we will be here for you when you need us, and even when you dont, just cause its cool hanging out and what not. Lol

[zelvrlilly2525]: yes we all need friends

[itweetinHEELS]: and support

[A work in progress]: yes, very much support.

[A work in progress]: *huggles Body Language*

[itweetinHEELS]: my name is cait lol -huggles back-

[A work in progress]: yes, i know your just being weird today.

[itweetinHEELS]: lol ! oh ok -thumbs up-

[A work in progress]: *Grins widely*

[itweetinHEELS]: so what race are you?

[A work in progress]: im mixed. my dad is black and my mom is white.

[itweetinHEELS]: oooh ok. Are they both at home, right now?

[A work in progress]: no, otherwise i wouldnt be aloud online. im not really susposed to be on, but i find ways to get on, so that the pressure inside me doesnt explode.

[itweetinHEELS]: you need some alcohol

[A work in progress]: we dont have any at my house

[itweetinHEELS]: oh'd think the way their acting,there'd be tons there

[A work in progress]: yeah, but there isnt.

[Afroman - let the rain wash over me]: lol i love that me and u are both half and half but u could run around naked on a new moon and be invisible and i compete with drew for whos pailer

[Lyeria]: I think I'm paler!

[{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF *tHe* SuBcOnSiOuS}]: hey all..... lol whats up with all you people??

[A work in progress]: wow, nick, thats amazing. 

[zelvrlilly2525]: hey how are you

[{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF *tHe* SuBcOnSiOuS}]: I know what you mean... i have not gotten but maybe 2 hours of sleep in the past 3 days or so......

[A work in progress]: that sucks. you should rest up

I feel so lovededed

[Lyeria]: *schnuggles Uke*

[A work in progress]: My Seme! *schnuggles Seme*

[Lyeria]: ^_^ *smewch*

[Innocent Seduction]: aww, isn't they teh cutest! *snaps pics* such a Kodak moment! lol

[Lyeria]: I could get you much better pictures

[Nekko fox]: Milkshakes

[zelvrlilly2525]: corry is awesome!  love yas corry

[Innocent Seduction]: That's what I love about all y'alls... you're so random! And thanks Will, but I think I stick to these! lol

[Lyeria]: Like pictures of what happened this morning

[A work in progress]: Like what, nothing happened this morning.

[Lyeria]: Of course, I was hallucinating the ENTIRE thing

[A work in progress]: No, I know it happened, it was justt a tiny bit embarssing to think about.

[Lyeria]: Aww, and why's that?

[Nekko fox]: If you do not watch this movie, your head will become full of virulent weasals bent on eatin gyour eyes from the inside out!

[Nekko fox]: Or not.... *^_^*

[A work in progress]: okay than. ^^ and to Will, cause that was just...a tiny kinky and stuffs, and quite embarassing.

[Lyeria]: Not really, I'm going to brag to everyone who'll listen at school

[A work in progress]: Um...*Blushes*

[Lyeria]: ^///^

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